How to Beg/Borrow/Steal Your Way to a Cross Platform Bluetooth LE Library

Let me be clear.

I do not want to maintain a Bluetooth LE library for any platform, much less as many platforms as possible.

Unfortunately, my circumstances are such that this isn’t a choice I get to make. It’s either build and maintain a library, or depend on whatever I can find elsewhere. There wasn’t, and to this day, still isn’t anything elsewhere that met my needs.

If I do have to build the library, I do not want to do it for free. I also don’t want to support or think about the library, therefore I do not want to do it for pay. As I hate support and divided attention more than I like money (and maybe some poor suckers who also do things for free will show up and help), I am stuck doing it for free.

Thus begins the story of yet another reluctant developer gluing things together until they curse themselves into being an open source maintainer.

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